Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Adolescent there a crisis?

EDI 531, welcome to week 1 of blogging!  I'm looking forward to reading your contributions this week and for the remainder of the semester.  Let's begin by reflecting on class this week (9/2 & 9/4).

Think about our "Reality Check"/Anticipation Guide in class & the Literacy Nation video we watched.  So many powerful statistics, professional opinions, and research-based reports.  Take into account the information we learned from reading the IRA Position Statement as well.  We ask ourselves...

Is there an adolescent literacy crisis?
What impact, if any, does this have on me as a future adolescent educator?

I believe there is an adolescent literacy crisis and that the impact on future educators is massive (and growing).  What are your thoughts? Why?

Welcome EDI 531!

Welcome EDI 531 students!  You are in the right place.  So happy you stopped by. :) is a wonderful platform for any type of blog.  You shouldn't have any problems creating an account and getting started.  Remember, you need to have your blog ready to go by next class, Class #2.  Be sure to bring your blog address with you.  Hosting and contributing will begin after next class.

I will leave you with a final thought/question:
I am passionate about a few things in life, one of which is teaching, and more specifically, teaching literacy.  My beliefs, philosophy, and practices are always expanding.  I hope too, that you will find that your thoughts regarding literacy in your content area are both challenged and affirmed.  With that said, what are your initial thoughts about literacy's place in your classroom/teaching?   Please share!

Happy Blogging,
Mrs. M